Attorney Fees
Like most DUI attorneys, I charge a flat, or fixed, fee for representation. Many web sites are vague about what you should expect and few attorneys will quote their charges until you meet with the attorney in their office. You should expect a fee of $4,000 - $10,000, paid in advance. Large fees are no guarantee of good results; however, low fees may reflect lack of experience and should be questioned. REMEMBER, most experienced attorneys will give a free consultation or case evaluation. I will be happy to give you FREE advice or a FREE second opinion; even if you don't expect to be able to afford my services.
Don't allow "sticker shock" to discourage you from seeking immediate free advice.
I will charge you $5,000 if this is your first DUI charge and that will also cover any traffic infraction or Department of Licensing administrative hearing from the same incident. If you have one earlier DUI charge, your base fee will be $6,000 and if you have two or more earlier DUI charges your base fee will be $7,000. In all cases, this base fee covers all hearings, court appearances and the DOL administrative hearing from this incident.
In all cases, I require a minimum $2,500 down payment before I begin actual representation or make court appearances. This is not in addition to my base fee, but it is the first $2,500 of the base fee quoted above.
Most cases are resolved without a trial; however, if the case goes all the way to jury trial, there may be an additional charge of $1,500 per day or partial day of court. Trials usually last two - three days.
You will be charged for the out-of-pocket expenses incurred for preparation, presentation or extraordinary travel (more than 50 miles). Typically, the only expenses are $12 - $25 to obtain your official traffic and criminal records. If your license was punched , or you blew .08 or higher on a police station breath test, or you refused the police station test, you will also have an immediate $375 expense to the Department of Licensing for an administrative hearing to reverse the pending automatic suspension or revocation of your license. Effective , January 1st, 2019, you have only 7 days to send your written hearing request with your $375.00 to Olympia to avoid the automatic suspension of your driving privilege. (Effective October 1st, 2012, the $200 hearing fee increased to $375.)
You should expect and receive a signed written agreement when you hire an attorney and before you pay any fees. If you would like to review our agreement, please call and we will forward a copy to you immediately.
Unfortunately, we are presently unable to accept credit card, debit card or Paypal payments. For convenience of our clients, we accept partial and full payments by cash, personal check or cashier's check. If you are prepared to pay you full fee immediately, we give you a down payment credit of $200.00, saving you approximately $225.00 including the interest charges that would continue to accrue until your account is paid in full.
Our Services
Get Attorney Advice - Remember, all attorneys offer free consultations. I will be happy to give you a free consultation even if you don't expect to be able to afford my services.